Preprints, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2007, 2005
Arxiv:2501.09063 (2025)
Probing the quantized Berry phases in 1H-NbSe2 using scanning tunneling microscopy
Dumitru Călugăru, Yi Jiang, Haojie Guo, Sandra Sajan, Yongsong Wang, Haoyu Hu, Jiabin Yu, B. Andrei Bernevig*, Fernando de Juan*, Miguel M. Ugeda*
Arxiv:2412.00278 (2024)
Friedel oscillations and chiral superconductivity in monolayer NbSe2
Julian Siegl, Anton Bleibaum, Wen Wan, Marcin Kurpas, John Schliemann, Miguel M. Ugeda, Magdalena Marganska and Milena Grifoni
Arxiv:2411.05725 (2024)
Ising domain wall networks from intertwined charge density waves in single-layer TiSe2
Wen Wan, Maria N. Gastiasoro, Daniel Muñoz-Segovia, Paul Dreher, Miguel M. Ugeda*, and Fernando de Juan*
Arxiv:2411.08200 (2024)
Atomic-scale mapping of superconductivity in the incoherent CDW mosaic phase of a transition metal dichalcogenide
Sandra Sajan, Haojie Guo, Tarushi Agerwal, Irian Sánchez-Ramírez, Chandan Patra, Maia G. Vergniory, Fernando de Juan and Miguel M. Ugeda*
Arxiv:2411.10644 (2024)
Layer-thickness and substrate effects on superconductivity in epitaxial FeSe films on BLG/SiC(0001)
Yongsong Wang, Haojie Guo, Ane Etxebarria, Sandra Sajan, Sara Barja, Miguel M. Ugeda*
Nature Communications 15, 2927 (2024)
Observation of Kekulé vortices induced in graphene by hydrogen adatoms
Y. Guan, C. Dutreix, H. González-Herrero, Miguel M. Ugeda, I. Brihuega, M. I. Katsnelson, O. Y. Yazyev, V. Y. Renard
Nature Communications 14, 7005 (2023)
Evidence for a coherent ground state in a two-dimensional Kondo lattice
Wen Wan, Rishav Harsh, Antonella Meninno, Paul Dreher, Sandra Sajan, Ion Errea, F. de Juan and Miguel M. Ugeda*
npj 2D materials and applications 7, 41 (2023)
Superconducting dome by tuning a van Hove singularity in a two-dimensional metal
Wen Wan, Rishav Harsh, Paul Dreher, F. de Juan and Miguel M. Ugeda*
Advanced materials 34, 2206078 (2022)
Observation of superconducting collective modes from competing pairing instabilities in single-layer NbSe2
Wen Wan, Paul Dreher, D. Muñoz-Segovia, Rishav Harsh, F. Guinea, F. de Juan and Miguel M. Ugeda*
Advanced materials 34, 2200492 (2022)
Nontrivial doping evolution of electronic properties in Ising-superconducting alloys
Wen Wan, Darshana Wickramaratne, Paul Dreher, Rishav Harsh, Igor I. Mazin and Miguel M. Ugeda*
ACS Nano 15, 19430 (2021)
Proximity effects on the charge density wave order and superconductivity in single-layer NbSe2
Paul Dreher, Wen Wan, Alla Chikina, Marco Bianchi, Haojie Guo, Rishav Harsh, Samuel Mañas-Valero, Eugenio Coronado, Antonio J. Martínez-Galera, Philip Hofmann, Jill A. Miwa* and Miguel M. Ugeda*
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 33, 295804 (2021)
Magnetic correlations in single-layer NbSe2
S. Divilov, Wen Wan, Paul Dreher, Miguel M. Ugeda* and Félix Ynduráin*
Nano Letters 21, 136 (2021)
Tailoring superconductivity in large-area monolayer NbSe2 via self-assembled molecular adlayers
F. Calavalle, Paul Dreher, A. Surdendran, Wen Wan, M. Timpel, C. Rogero, T. Bauch, F. Lombardi, F. Casanova, M. V. Nardi, Miguel M. Ugeda, M. Gobbi, and L. E. Hueso
Nano Letters 20, 5111 (2020)
Visualization of multifractal superconductivity in a two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenide in the weak disorder regime
C. Rubio-Verdú, A. M. García-García, H. Ryu, D.-J. Choi, J. Zaldívar, S. Tang, B. Fan, Z.-X. Shen, S.-K. Mo, J. I. Pascual, Miguel M. Ugeda*
Communication Physics 3, 116 (2020)
Electronic and Magnetic Characterization of Epitaxial VSe2 Monolayers on Superconducting NbSe2
S. Kezilebieke, Md N. Huda, Paul Dreher, I. Manninen, Y. Zhou, J. Sainio, R.Mansell, Miguel M. Ugeda, S.van Dijken, H.-P. Komsa, P. Liljeroth
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 123, 27802 (2019)
Absence of ferromagnetism in VSe2 caused by its charge density wave
A. O. Fumega, M. Gobbi, P. Dreher, W. Wan, C. González-Orellana, M. Peña-Díaz, C. Rogero, J. Herrero-Martín, P. Gargiani, M. Ilin, Miguel M. Ugeda, V. Pardo, S. Blanco-Canosa
Nature Materials 18, 539 (2019) – News & Views
Stable in harsh environments
Miguel M. Ugeda
Nature Communications 10, 3382 (2019)
Identifying substitutional oxygen as a prolific point defect in monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides with experiment and theory
S. Barja, S. Refaely-Abramson, B. Schuler, D. Y. Qiu, A. Pulkin, S.Wickenburg, H.Ryu, Miguel M. Ugeda, C. Kastl, C.Chen, C. Hwang, A. Schwartzberg, S. Aloni, S.-K. Mo, D. F.Ogletree, M. F. Crommie, O. V. Yazyev, S. G. Louie, J.B. Neaton, A. Weber-Bargioni
Nano Letters 19, 3027 (2019)
Coexistence of elastic modulations in the charge density wave state of 2H-NbSe2
B. Guster, C. Rubio-Verdú, R. Robles, J. Zaldívar, P. Dreher, M. Pruneda, J. A. Silva-Guillén, D. -J. Choi, J. I. Pascual, M. M. Ugeda, P. Ordejón, and E. Canadell
Physical Review B 99, 075431 (2019)
Geometry and Electronic Structure of Iridium adsorbed on Graphene
Bradford A. Barker, Aaron J. Bradley, Miguel M. Ugeda, Sinisa Coh, Alex Zettl, Michael F. Crommie, Steven G. Louie, and Marvin L. Cohen
Physical Review B 99, 035438 (2019)
Strong-coupling charge density wave in a one-dimensional topological metal
P. Hofmann, Miguel M. Ugeda, A. Tamtögl, A. Ruckhofer, W. E. Ernst, G. Benedek, A. J. Martínez-Galera, A. Stróżecka, J. M. Gómez-Rodríguez, E. Rienks, M. Fuglsang Jensen, J. I. Pascual, and J.W. Wells
ACS Nano 12, 11161 (2018)
Electronic Properties of Transferrable Atomically Thin MoSe2/h-BN Heterostructures Grown on Rh(111)
M.-Wei Chen, H.-K. Kim, C. Bernard, M. Pizzochero, J. Zaldívar, J. I. Pascual, Miguel M. Ugeda, O. V. Yazyev, T. Greber, J. Osterwalder, O. Renault, and A. Kis
Nature Communications 9, 3401 (2018).
Observation of Topologically Protected States at Crystalline Phase Boundaries in Single-layer WSe2
M. M. Ugeda*, A. Pulkin, S. Tang, H. Ryu, Q. Wu, Y. Zhang, D. Wong, Z. Pedramrazi, A. Martín, Y. Chen, F. Wang, Z.-X. Shen, S.-K. Mo, O. V. Yazyev and M. F. Crommie
Communication Physics 1, 15 (2018).
Orbital-selective spin excitation of a magnetic porphyrin
C. Rubio-Verdú, A. Sarasola, D. -J. Choi, Z. Majzik, R. Ebeling, M. R. Calvo, M. M. Ugeda, A. García-Lekue, D. Sánchez-Portal and J. I. Pascual
Physical Review Letters 120, 167001 (2018).
Probing magnetic interactions between Cr adatoms on the ß-Bi2Pd superconductor
D.-J. Choi, C. García, E.Herrera, C. Rubio-Verdú, M. M. Ugeda, Isabel Guillamón, H. Suderow, J. I. Pascual, and N. Lorente
Nature Physics 13, 683 (2017)
Quantum spin Hall state in monolayer 1T’-WTe2
S. Tang, C. Zhang, D.Wong, Z. Pedramrazi, H-Z. Tsai, C. Jia, B. Moritz, M. Claassen, H. Ryu, S. Kahn, J. Jiang, H. Yan, M. Hashimoto, D. Lu, R. Moore, C-C.Hwang, C. Hwang, Z. Hussain, Y. Chen, M. M. Ugeda, Z. Liu, X. Xie, T. Devereaux, M. F. Crommie, S.-K. Mo and Z. X. Shen
Nature Communications 8, 15175 (2017)
Mapping the orbital structure of impurity bound states in a superconductor
D.-J. Choi, C. Rubio-Verdú, J. de Bruijckere, M. M. Ugeda, N. Lorente and J.I. Pascual
Science 352, 437 (2016)
Atomic-scale control of graphene magnetism using hydrogen atoms
H. González-Herrero, J. M. Gómez-Rodríguez, P. Mallet, M. Moaied, J. J. Palacios, C. Salgado, M. M. Ugeda, J.Y. Veuillen, F. Ynduráin and I. Brihuega
Nature Chemistry 8, 678 (2016)
Imaging Single-Molecule Reaction Intermediates Stabilized by Surface Dissipation and Entropy
A. Riss, A. P. Paz, S. Wickenburg, H.-Z. Tsai, D. G. de Oteyza, A. J. Bradley, M. M. Ugeda, P. Gorman, M. F. Crommie, A. Rubio, and F. R. Fischer
Nature Physics 12, 751 (2016)
Charge density wave order in 1D mirror twin boundaries of single-layer MoSe2
S. Barja, S. Wickenburg, Z.-F. Liu, Y. Zhang, H. Ryu, M. M. Ugeda, Z. Hussain, Z.-X. Shen, S.-K. Mo, E. Wong, M. B. Salmeron, F. Wang, M. F. Crommie, D. F. Ogletree, J. B. Neaton and A. Weber-Bargioni
Nature Physics 12, 92 (2016)
Characterization of collective ground states in single-layer NbSe2
M. M. Ugeda*, A. J. Bradley, Y. Zhang, S. Onishi, Y. Chen, W. Ruan, C. O. Aristizabal, H. Ryu, M. Edmonds, H.-Z. Tsai, A. Riss, S.-K. Mo, D. Lee, A. Zettl, Z. Hussain, Z.-X. Shen and M.F. Crommie
Nano Letters 16, 2485 (2016)
Electronic Structure, Surface Doping, and Optical Response in Epitaxial WSe2 Thin Films
Y. Zhang, M. M. Ugeda, C. Jin, S.-F. Shi, A. J. Bradley, A. M.-Recio, H. Ryu, J. Kim, S. Tang, Y. Kim, B. Zhou, C. Hwang, Y. Chen, F. Wang, M. F. Crommie, Z. Hussain, Z.-X. Shen and S.-K. Mo
ACS Nano 10, 5131 (2016)
Graphene Tunable Transparency to Tunneling Electrons: A Direct Tool To Measure the Local Coupling
H. González-Herrero, P. Pou, J. Lobo-Checa, D. Fernández-Torre, F. Craes, A. J. Martínez-Galera, M. M. Ugeda, M. Corso, J. E. Ortega, J. M. Gómez-Rodríguez, R. Pérez and I. Brihuega
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 120, 26445 (2016)
Covalent Functionalization of GaP(110) Surfaces via a Staudinger-Type Reaction with Perfluorophenyl Azide
M. M. Ugeda*, A. J. Bradley, L. Rodrigo, M. Yu, , P. Doak, W. Liu, P. Doak, A. Riss, J. B. Neaton, T. D. Tilley and M. F. Crommie
Physica Status Solidi B 253, 2396 (2016)
Selenium capped monolayer NbSe2 for two-dimensional superconductivity studies
S. Onishi, M. M. Ugeda, Y. Zhang, Y. Chen, C. O. Aristizabal, H. Ryu, S.-K. Mo, Z. Hussain, Z.-X. Shen, M. F. Crommie and A. Zettl
Nano Letters 15, 2594 (2015)
Probing the Role of Interlayer Coupling and Coulomb Interactions on Electronic Structure in Few-Layer MoSe2 Nanostructures
A. J. Bradley, M. M. Ugeda*, F. H. da Jornada, D. Y. Qiu, W. Ruan, Y. Zhang, S. Wickenburg, A. Riss, J. Lu, S.-K. Mo, Z. Hussain, Z.-X. Shen, S. G. Louie and M. F. Crommie
Nature Materials 13, 1091 (2014)
Giant bandgap renormalization and excitonic effects in a monolayer transition metal dichalcogenide semiconductor
M. M. Ugeda*, A. J. Bradley, S. F Shi, F. H. da Jornada, Y. Zhang, D. Y. Qiu, W. Ruan, S. K. Mo, Z. Hussain, Z.X. Shen, F. Wang, S. G. Louie and M. F. Crommie.
ACS Nano 8, 5395 (2014)
Imaging and Tuning Molecular Levels at the Surface of a Gated Graphene Device
A. Riss, S. Wickenburg, L. Z. Tan, H-Z. Tsai, Y. Kim, J. Lu, A. J. Bradley, M. M. Ugeda, K. Meaker, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, A. Zettl, F. R. Fischer, S. G. Louie, and M. F. Crommie
Nano Letters 14, 2251 (2014)
Local electronic and chemical structure of oligo-acetylene derivatives formed through radical cyclizations at a surface
A. Riss, S. Wickenburg, P. Gorman, L. Z. Tan, H. Z. Tsai, D. G. de Oteyza, Y-. C. Chen, A. J. Bradley, M. M. Ugeda, G. Etkin, S. G. Louie, F. R. Fischer, and M. F. Crommie
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 117, 26091 (2013)
Adsorption and Stability of π-Bonded Ethylene on GaP(110)
M. M. Ugeda*, M. Yu, A. J. Bradley, P. Doak, W. Liu, G. F. Moore, I. D. Sharp, T. D. Tilley, J. B. Neaton, and M. F. Crommie
Physical Review Letters 109, 196802 (2012)
Unraveling the intrinsic and robust nature of van Hove singularities in twisted bilayer graphene by scanning tunneling microscopy and theoretical analysis
I. Brihuega, P. Mallet, H. González-Herrero, G. T. Laissardière, M. M. Ugeda, L. Magaud, J. M. Gómez-Rodríguez, F. Ynduráin, and J- .Y. Veuillen
Physical Review B 86, 045444 (2012)
Role of pseudospin in quasiparticle interferences in epitaxial graphene probed by high-resolution
P. Mallet, I. Brihuega, S. Bose, M. M. Ugeda, J.M.Gómez-Rodríguez, K. Kern and J. Y. Veuillen
Physical Review B (Rapid) 85, 121402 (2012)
Electronic and structural characterization of divacancies in irradiated graphene
M. M. Ugeda*, I. Brihuega, J. M. Gómez-Rodríguez and F. Ynduráin
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 116, 9568 (2012)
Adsorption and Growth of 1,3,5-Triazine on Cu(111) at Low Temperature under Ultrahigh Vacuum Conditions
A.J. Martínez-Galera, B. de la Torre, M. M. Ugeda and J.M.Gómez-Rodríguez
Physical Review B 84, 104525 (2011)
Experimental observation of thermal fluctuations in single superconducting Pb nanoparticles through tunneling measurements
I. Brihuega, A. M. García-García, P. Ribeiro, M. M. Ugeda, C. H. Michaelis, S. Bose and K. Kern
Physical Review Letters 107, 116803 (2011)
Point defects in graphene on metals
M. M. Ugeda, D. Fernández-Torre, P. Pou, I. Brihuega, A.J. Martínez-Galera, R. Pérez, and J. M. Gómez-Rodríguez
Nature Materials 9, 550 (2010)
Observation of shell effects in superconducting nanoparticles of Sn
S. Bose, A.M. García-García, M. M. Ugeda, J. Urbina, C. H. Michaelis, I. Brihuega and K. Kern
Physical Review Letters 104, 096804 (2010)
Missing atom as a source of carbon magnetism
M. M. Ugeda, I. Brihuega, F. Guinea and J. M. Gómez-Rodríguez
Physical Review Letters. 102, 096802 (2009)
Nondegenerate Metallic States on Bi(114): A One-Dimensional Topological Metal
J. W. Wells, J. H. Dil, F. Meier, J. Lobo-Checa, V. N. Petrov, J. Osterwalder, M. M. Ugeda, I. F. Torrente, J. I. Pascual, E. D. Rienks, M. F. Jensen, and Ph. Hofmann.
Physical Review B 76, 035422 (2007)
Surface diffusion of Pb single adatoms on the Si(111)-(R3xR3)R30º-Pb system
I. Brihuega, M. M. Ugeda and J.M. Gómez-Rodríguez
Physical Review Letters 98, 156102 (2007)
Adatom-Adatom interaction mediated by an underlying surface phase transition
I. Brihuega, A. Cano, M. M. Ugeda, J. J. Sáenz, A. Levanyuk and J.M. Gómez-Rodríguez
Physical Review B 75, 155411 (2007)
Defects in the (R3xR3) (3×3) phase transition in the Pb/Si(111) system
I. Brihuega, O. Custance, M. M. Ugeda and J. M. Gómez-Rodríguez
Physical Review Letters 95, 206102 (2005)
Direct observation of a (3×3) phase in a-Pb/Ge(111) at 10 K
I. Brihuega, O. Custance, M. M. Ugeda, N. Oyabu, S. Morita and J. M. Gómez-Rodríguez